Customer Login Forum Online Help Open Source Deutsche Version


Questions About Products, Pricing, Licensing, Technical Questions, etc.

Contact by e-Mail

This is the preferred way, especially for technical questions, because our software developers will answer those questions.

Important: Please put the word "VPE" at the beginning of the subject, so it is guaranteed that your mail will pass our spam-filters. Unfortunately we receive several thousand spam-mails per day.


All inquiries are answered on working-days in regular at the same day, latest within 24 hours (please consider time-zone differences between your country and Germany, as well as local holidays in Germany).

Contact by Telephone

On working-days between 14 - 16h CET: +49 (0)2131 1511-690

bullet Customer's Responses

"I have been constantly fighting with the limitations of Seagate Crystal Reports to get the reports that I want. Now, with VPE, I'm glad to have found a reporting tool that offers all the freedom I need. I have not yet come across a problem that VPE couldn't handle! Thanks for your help!"

Mark Irwin, Developer, Canada Life Assurance Company, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
